Monday, May 18, 2009


Hmm, what's going on with me? I've become a lot more sensitive. I kind of hate that. I've heard a comment of how girly I am, and how I wouldn't be able to "rough it up" or whatever. When the person that I used to be was never afraid of getting "down and dirty". Yes, I think I have been getting a lot more girly, but who knew that sensitivity had to come with it? I guess as much as I try to see the blessings in my life... I start noticing the little things in my life that need fixing as well. I notice the greatness of a person as a whole, and their flaws start coming out little by little.

Another thing is that I don't realize how people treat me sometimes. I've been doing a lot of things for people I love... that's how I've always been, but now I realize what happens after. No, I don't really expect anything in return a "thank you" would be enough... and yet, people react as if they are ungrateful and it hurts. I got my mom and sister tickets to see Mamma Mia! as their Mother's Day present and the first thing my mom says was "who's going to watch the kids?" My sister didn't even thank me... until I saw that she did on FaceBook and that it was in her status and we weren't even "friends" at that time. I know this seems like such a little thing... but my stupid vulnerable sensitive self is emerging from the I-don't-really-care kind of person. I'm becoming LESS stubborn and allowing other people to... I don't know... be right? I just learned to back down. But at the same time that lets people treat me like crap and walk all over me.

And I heard this on the radio when I was driving home:

"If you have to convince someone to be good to you... that's not right."

or something like I just have to let it go... I can't change anyone. I can only change myself. You can never make a person change for you... they have to change themselves.

This blog makes no sense... that's why it's titled complications.