Thursday, February 12, 2009


Wow, knowing that this day is just around the corner makes me realize... how much I don't really care much for it. I think it's because the last three Valentine's Days that I've had kind of sucked. Junior year, my Valentine didn't show up to school. I still got something, but still... Senior year... I didn't have one. Gay. Last year... we broke up two days before Valentine's Day. Haha. This year, it's like... it's unspoken, I guess. But I'm less and less of a romantic than I used to be... "you're too romantic for me". I feel like I should be even less of one. Because things in life just don't happen that way. I don't know how to explain it exactly. I'm not really complaining... I'm just learning not to care. I'm not unhappy. But there are just things I need to change about myself to make others happy. Right? I need to cater to what other people want... it seems. And not what I want. That is what sucks.

"You're too romantic for me"

that kind of hurt... whether it was a joke or forreal. Because I've heard it before. And he was completely serious.

Why do I need to cater to the world? I only need to live for God anyway!

Though I have to say... I want to make someone feel like Gabe Bondoc in his song We Match... :]

1 comment:

It's Mailyn fool! said...

I love that song, as you should already know. lol.
Well I think this valentine's day is going to be great!
I mean, your going to next married the next day (; lol.