Tuesday, December 9, 2008


things have been feeling a little out of focus. It might be because things with school are slowing down, but not without stressing me to the max first. Exam after exam... okay I'm exaggerating, but still... I'm a little stressed because of school. Another thing is work. I only have about two and a half weeks left at that place, and I'm a little sad to leave, but also relieved because I am so sick of working retail and never having enough time for more important things like family, friends, SCHOOL and church. I slacked in school because of work... Seriously, I need to focus better... Another thing is, I've been thinking... A LOT. And I'm not sure how I feel about everything right now. I'm a little numb, just like I used to be. And that scares me... I can't let myself go back to my old ways. What sucks though, is I lost friends along the way to my journey with God. I don't necessarily regret it, but I'm not sure they understand. Sometimes I just want to be by myself... because it would make me feel a lot better to know that I can't hurt anyone.

I really need God right now.