Friday, December 12, 2008

The way it feels,

to feel the way I do... You don't even know. My heart gets so heavy sometimes it kills me inside and I want to cry for no reason. Like right now. I'm so happy with my life, yet I don't feel quite satisfied. Something is still missing. Whether it's situations with friends, family, or life in general... I can't tell. My mind is everywhere. Right now is probably the perfect time to go for a jog like I inteded, but I can't help but sit here and think. What is wrong with me?

I promise you, who ever you are, that I am fine. I really am. God is so great and wonderful in my life. It's just... I've been feeling like something bad is going to happen. I'm a little nervous. Blah. I hate how I am sometimes. I just need to know I'm cared for. At least with reassurance. I guess that's just because of my past... it's something I need to get over completely. History doesn't always have to repeat itself... Why am I so worried? Idk, a lot of times I feel that I care more about people than they do for me... Haha I know, it's pathetic. I'm sorry.

I need some time by myself. A jog sounds pretty good to me right about now.

1 comment:

It's Mailyn fool! said...

I care for you, and I love you. (: