Thursday, March 5, 2009

And now YOU'RE a teacher, right??

Haha, this was just the cutest thing. Today I was in four different classes. First Pre-School 1, which consists of 2 year olds... then I was in the infant room with.. you know, infants. Haha that was boring! Haha nah, it was okay, they just don't do much but cry and poop and eat... gah. Anyway, I went in the 1 year old class for a little bit while they were sleeping and so my sister could go for lunch, and finally after my lunch, I went into the Pre-K class. Four year olds. One year away from Kindergarten. They talk a lot. Haha. So anyway, while I was in that class, the teacher starts calling out everyone's names and the kids would have to shout out that person's last name and finally it got back to her, and the kids shouted her last name (Davenport) and I was like, "cool, that was pre-school teacher's name!" and the kid next to me goes, "and now you're a teacher, right?"

This isn't meant to be a funny blog. It's not some kind of joke... I just felt... happy to hear that... I'm only a substitute at the pre-school, but they call me Teacher sometimes... you know, when they aren't saying "Miss!" or "Auntie!" haha. It's really cute to hear that. I am going to be a teacher and I get so much more excited everyday! For right now, I'm with little kids, and I honestly think this is to help me with patience and compassion... and I guess to practice with 'em cuz according to Alex I'm supposed to have four kids? Haha idk whatever. That's later, but I love these kids... even the ones who annoy me. It'll be a real different experience when I end up teaching High School but can you imagine me saying "My pre-schoolers listened better than you!" haha so funny.

I really like working there. I have like so many different names there because there's another Sarah... so I get called Sarah Marie, Sarah M, Marie, Sami, Miss, Auntie, Teacher... I don't like when the other teachers say "Miss" in every sentence when they talk to you... haha. It gets kind of irking but whatever. Mickey calls me Marie because that's part of her name as well. Her real name is Amanda Marie, but everyone calls her Mickey. A lot of people call me Sarah Marie and that's kind of weird to hear haha cuz only Jayne (my best friend from high school) would call me that. O'a calls me Sami cuz it was one of my old nicknames. Sometimes people say Sarah M... I don't necessarily like that... haha. Idk too many names. It's a lot easier to go "EH!" Haha ew. Ok... maybe not.

Anyway, that's my life at work so far. There's lots of drama but I stay away from it while my sister tells me what's going on. So I know, but I don't fall into it. So high school that's why. Like, seriously. Get over it. That's what happens when you work with a bunch of females. Something's bound to go down.

More later.

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