Thursday, November 27, 2008

STOP right now, THANK YOU very much

It's five am. Thanksgiving morning. What the heck am I doing up? I am practicing for my Black Friday shift--no joke. But it's also because I fell asleep at Andrea's house again and kind of forgot to home right away. Haha well whatever, the point is... as I was driving home, I was thinking about a blog I read that made me think about what I am thankful for. I am so truly blessed with everyone and everything in my life that it's hard to really bring it all to one short blog, so be prepared to read for days...

First and foremost, I am so thankful that Jesus died for our sins. Otherwise, things would not be the way they are. I am thankful that God does everything that He does for me... that He loves me unconditionally no matter what. Even with all the stupid mistakes that I make... He blesses me anyway. I'm just so in love with that... Just... wow... :] Hard to put into words but I know what I truly feel in my heart.

My family. Our relationships are not where I want them to be, but I am thankful for their continuous love and support anyway. My parents work so hard to this day to provide for our family because no one in this house can seem to take care of themselves! You guys don't know how much I just want to give back to them... I want to pay everything off for them, but unfortunately I can't. Not with the money I don't have! My siblings... it sucks how big our age gap is, but I'm glad they're still apart of my life. My niece and nephews never fail to put a smile on my face, even if all they're doing is sleeping. Weird, yeah? I love watching them sleep... anyway, I'm just so blessed with those three!

Church family... where would I be with out all of you? You have helped me grow with and understand God more than my nine years at OLPH (not that it wasn't good for anything, I was just a little more intrigued).

Angelica... we have gone through some rough times these past five years... and I know every time we got close again, it wasn't the same, but I am hoping that this time around, you know how much I still care about you and want you in my life. I am so thankful for someone who understands me so well and who can just talk to me about anything until the sun comes up. And that we can get fat together and work out together and then eat more together! Haha. I think when the time for your wedding day comes... I'll have to paint myself darker so that I can sing Brian McKnight songs for you... haha. Thank you for accepting me back in your life even though it might have been a little hard and since we're both pretty damn stubborn. We're more than best friends, Ange... we're sisters.

Francis... my sponsor. I am so thankful that you said yes, and I know I already told you this, but you are exactly what I want in a sponsor! Don't ever doubt yourself :] You're the older brother that's closer to my age and understands me a little better. I know I'm a little stubborn, but I'm glad you're able to talk some sense into me when I need it most!

MargieLOVE, my first candidate. I'm so thankful that you eventually chose me as your sponsor. I'm happy that you see something good in me because I know I'm doing something right for once! I hope that you are able to look to me for guidance when you need it... and that I don't scare you with how crazy I can get... but I still think the craziness skips a generation ;] Thank you for being YOU!

Drea, you deserve your own little thank you as well. Thank you for listening to me, and even putting up with me. And for providing a house that I fall asleep at and forget to go home because it's so damn easy to fall asleep at your house. You already know how glad I am that you're in my life. Do you ever think... haha, just kidding. Just thank you for understanding me and never giving up on me.

LB, the DBiest DB ever. Words could not even fathom everything I want to say to you. You are so much more than I ever expected. I want to tell you how much I hate you, but I think I can be a little more clever than that. "I word-greater-than-hate you" doesn't do it at all. I can't believe I went from honestly thinking you were a little weird last year when I first met you--ask Angelica, she reminded me--to being so vulnerable, but safe with you. Thank you, for listening to me when I need to vent. Thank you for driving me because you want to. Thank you for paying for food even if you're broke. Thank you for letting me pay sometimes. Thank you for making me laugh by being yourself. Thank you for frustrating me. Thank you for trusting me. Thank you for giving me a reason to trust you. Thank you for being so FAKE with me. Thank you for HATING me. Thank you for being my best friend... And most importantly, thank you for helping me get back on track with God. I needed that little push, and you know, Alex was right in saying I came back and it wasn't because of you... but you did help some! Haha, you didn't give up on me. Take it for what it's worth/gay moment ahead (but I'll try not make it so gay because those are even gayer and better in person!) But anyway... I<3You, loser. Gay moment over! :]

There are SO many people I am thankful for and they've all played big roles in my life even if it seemed like a small one, but these people who are mentioned individually are the most recent and really deserve some thanks. If you're not on here, it doesn't mean I am not thankful for you... I am, I promise. Just know you're still all in my hearts and prayers this Thanksgiving Day :] Enjoy your day!

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